
Hook Tail

Category: Tail Enchants and Mods

A tail that has a bone hook at the end. Tail fur is typically braded around the hook.



Gathering Guild

<a href=" Tail (Bundle)" class="display-item">Snake Tail (Bundle)</a>

Snake Tail (Bundle)

Category: Tail Enchants and Mods

Artist: Hauket

Kebanzu's tail is now a snake.

<a href=" Tail (Bundle)" class="display-item">Tentacle Tail (Bundle)</a>

Tentacle Tail (Bundle)

Category: Tail Enchants and Mods

Artist: Hauket

Kebanzu’s tail appears to be a tentacle.

<a href=" Cushion Tail" class="display-item">Pin Cushion Tail</a>

Pin Cushion Tail

Category: Tail Enchants and Mods

Artist: faios

Resale Value: 2 Enchanted Roses

Kebanzu's tail turns into a pin cushion.


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Tail" class="display-item">Petal Tail</a>

Petal Tail

Category: Tail Enchants and Mods

Artist: ErmineLeader

Resale Value: 25 Enchanted Stones

Your Kebanzu's tail turns into a flower, or the fur looks like flower petals!


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Tail" class="display-item">Veil Tail</a>

Veil Tail

Category: Tail Enchants and Mods

Artist: mothman

Resale Value: 3 Enchanted Candy Canes

Keb's tail becomes a long flowing lace veil like a train on a wedding dress. (cannot replicate the look of Flare (UC) + Horse(R))


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Tree Tail" class="display-item">Holiday Tree Tail</a>

Holiday Tree Tail

Category: Tail Enchants and Mods

Artist: Frog

Resale Value: 2 Enchanted Candy Canes

Keb's tail resembles an evergreen tree complete with baubles and other decorations (does not include Fairy Lights trait)


Purchaseable At:

Weapon Tail

Category: Tail Enchants and Mods

Kebanzu's tail tip appears to have been forged into a blade.



Crafting Guild

<a href=" Tail" class="display-item">Saga Tail</a>

Saga Tail

Category: Tail Enchants and Mods

Kebanzu's tail becomes long and twisting, thick like a dragons with an underside of plating. It looks like a combination of the divines'.



Public Service Guild

Paintbrush Tail

Category: Tail Enchants and Mods

Tail becomes like a paintbrush with a constant flow of paint.



Creative Guild

<a href=" Tail" class="display-item">Inkwell Tail</a>

Inkwell Tail

Category: Tail Enchants and Mods

Kebanzu's tail is now ended with an ink pen's nib.



Academic Guild

<a href=" Tail (Bundle)" class="display-item">Penguin Tail (Bundle)</a>

Penguin Tail (Bundle)

Category: Tail Enchants and Mods

Artist: Hauket

Kebanzu's tail becomes short, stubby, and feathered.

<a href=" Tail" class="display-item">Club Tail</a>

Club Tail

Category: Tail Enchants and Mods

Kebanzu's tail becomes clubbed like a Tritaurus's, it can have platting down the back.



Pastoral Guild

<a href=" Tail - GS" class="display-item">Snake Tail - GS</a>

Snake Tail - GS

Category: Tail Enchants and Mods

Kebanzu's tail is now a snake!!!


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Tail - GS" class="display-item">Bonus Tail - GS</a>

Bonus Tail - GS

Category: Tail Enchants and Mods

Artist: Hauket

Kebanzu gains an extra tail of the same style as their original tail

  • Each bonus tail trait purchased +1 tail can be added.

Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Tail - GS" class="display-item">Elemental Tail - GS</a>

Elemental Tail - GS

Category: Tail Enchants and Mods

Kebanzu gains a tail tip of any element (fire, water, earth, air, smoke, electricity, etc)


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Tail - GS" class="display-item">Petal Tail - GS</a>

Petal Tail - GS

Category: Tail Enchants and Mods

Your Kebanzu's tail turns into a flower, or the fur looks like flower petals!


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Cushion Tail - GS" class="display-item">Pin Cushion Tail - GS</a>

Pin Cushion Tail - GS

Category: Tail Enchants and Mods

Artist: faios

Kebanzu's tail turns into a pin cushion.


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Tail" class="display-item">Gummy Tail</a>

Gummy Tail

Category: Tail Enchants and Mods

Artist: RK-V00

Resale Value: 2 Enchanted Candy Corn


Kebanzu's tail takes on a soft gummy texture with an optional sugar coating, it becomes bright in colour and can be ridged along its top edge.

Do  ✓

  • Have the tail be bright and colourful.
  • Give the tail an optional sugar coating.
  • Give the tail an optional gummy ridge along its top edge.

Don't  ✘

  • Have the tail be dull in colour.

Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Tail (Bundle)" class="display-item">Gummy Tail (Bundle)</a>

Gummy Tail (Bundle)

Category: Tail Enchants and Mods

Artist: RK-V00


Kebanzu's tail takes on a soft gummy texture with an optional sugar coating, it becomes bright in colour and can be ridged along its top edge.

Do  ✓

  • Have the tail be bright and colourful.
  • Give the tail an optional sugar coating.
  • Give the tail an optional gummy ridge along its top edge.

Don't  ✘

  • Have the tail be dull in colour.
41 results found.