Site News

The Kebanzu 2023 Winter Event is now live!!

Posted 10 months ago :: Last edited 10 months ago by Nopalrabbit

Where has the year gone? 2023's final Kebanzu event is here already!!!

Winter Event Prompts

As usual, the first two Winter Prompts - Snowy Fun and Warm & Cosy - are now open for entries. Two more prompts will unlock on December the 10th and a further two on the 20th!

Don't forget that you can add Yule to your prompts as a bonus 5th keb!!
Her Masterlist entry is HERE!


Art by Lord-Starryface

The Storybook theme this time is all about the migratory journey of a brand new creature 👀 There are three prompts in total that unlock as you play - as always there's a shiny storybook badge reward if you complete all three!

Art by Lord-Starryface

❄️ Check out the first 2 prompts + starting storybook prompt here! ❄️

Dates and Deadlines!
❄️ The Winter Event begins: December 1st Pacific Time
❄️ The Winter Event ends: December 31st at midnight Pacific Time


Daily Candy Cane Foraging

What's this? More daily collectables?!! During the Winter Event, Yule oversees the foraging of wild Enchanted Candy Canes! And sometimes she hides treasures amongst the groves for eagle-eyed kebs to discover!! Get to the dailies page HERE or get to it from the navigation bar by going to ACTIVITIES -> DAILIES.

New Activity: Daily Panning!

Posted 10 months ago :: Last edited 10 months ago by Nopalrabbit


We are now opening up dailies! Dailies can be found under the "Activity" tab on Kebanzu Crossroads. This will grant anywhere between 3-10ES daily with the 15th (non-consecutive) day awarding a random ES trait! (The higher ES amounts are rarer, just so everyone knows!).

As our currency is Enchanted Stones, we've gone with a panning (like gold panning) theme! Header art and panning pixel done by our lovely SunnyDito!

Click HERE or go to Activities  -> Dailies on the top navigation bar!

Fall Event 2023

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by sunnydito

The Kebanzu 2023 Fall Event is now live!!

Everyone's favourite season is back and so is the OG keb seasonal event!! You may have noticed the name change! As the event incorporates spoopy and autumn in equal amounts we've changed the event name from 'halloween event' to 'fall event' so that it's in-keeping with its spring, summer and winter counterparts.

As usual, the first two Fall Prompts - Hay Ride and Corn Maze - are now open for entries! Two more prompts will unlock on October the 10th and a further two on the 20th! The Storybook theme this time is Cryptid Hunting!! There are three prompts in total that unlock as you play - as always there's exclusive badges and rewards to be won by participating! Check out the first 2 prompts + starting storybook prompt here!

Don't forget that you can add Sam to your prompts as a bonus 5th keb!! Check out his page here!

Two new traits have been added to the Enchanted Candy Corn Exchange!

Inky Step


Iconic Eye

inky step


iconic eye


Check out the new traits and the Enchanted Candy Corn shop here!

Dates and Deadlines!

The Fall Event begins: October 1st
The Fall Event ends: October 31st at midnight Pacific Time

A note on Spooky Pet MYOs!

We've decided to trial-run making some assets seasonal only - the first of the trial run will be the Spooky Pet Token in the MYO shop! Spooky Pet MYOs will only be available between October 1st and November 15th this year! So don't forget to grab a spooky friend while they're available! 

ON THAT NOTE there are new spooky friends available this year!!! Check them out here!! Thank you Sunny for the new pet artwork!


PNK Hors


The NPC contest has officially closed!!

Thank you so much to everyone who entered!! we're so excited to review the entries, award the winners and begin preparations to release the Job Prompts within the ARPG

  • Today we will begin awarding all participants with their participation EC!!!
  • We aim to announce the winners on or before the 10th!!


-- Stay tuned for October's monthly prompt which will be released on the 5th!! --

Discord Update:

  As spoken about in the server, discord will soon no longer be a place where image URLS remain consistent; as such please consider this when linking prompt entries on Kebanzu Crossroads prompt submissions if you are not hosting them on the LK gallery or dA - staff may not be able to see your submission if the image is being hosted on discord.


Guild Head NPC Contest

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by Nopalrabbit

Hello! It’s been a while since our last character design contest, no? 👀 as the ARPG expands, so too does the need for NPCs - the next plan in the ARPG pipeline is to introduce job prompts! Once up and running, completing job prompts will level up your keb in their chosen field of work, unlocking exclusive traits, pets, mounts and more as they go. The pending jobs prompts are currently categorised into the following sub-sections:

Public Service

While jobs across the whole of Terramessia can fall into any of these categories, each sub-section has a base of operations in a specific hub! And these new guilds need Guild Heads! ✨

The Contest:

Design an NPC Guild Head! This NPC will be the face of that job sub-section and the go-to keb should a worker in that job guild need advice or help; as such their design should reflect the vibe of the jobs they oversee.

The below stash file has a moodboard per guild + additional information in the comments to use as starting points!

The Rules:
  • You may make up to 6 entries (either one entry for each category or multiple entries in same category etc)
  • Please avoid nsfw themes and appropriating cultures in your entries
  • Please do not use existing designs as entries
  • There is no limit to what traits can be used! if your entry does not get chosen and you would like to turn it into a personal keb post-contest, all traits will have to be purchased like a regular MYO
  • Winning designs will be transferred in ownership to the group and may be edited
  • Designs must be submitted here before the deadline:

The Deadline: September 30th at 11:59PM PST

The Rewards:

Each entry (up to 6 entries per user) will be rewarded 2EC

Honourable Mention designs will receive 15CC
Runner Up designs will receive 50CC
Winning Designs will receive 100CC

Region Report: Floral Fields Island

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by EterniiTea

Get the inside scoop!

Region Report

35°T / Sunny

Floral FieldS Island

"The island of blossoming beauty!"


The Blossom Stones

In the middle of the meadows there is a unique stone formation that attracts stalkwalkers—lesser and greater—from all across the Floral Field Islands. They gather around this formation for their annual tree bloom, which is the subject of the most popular festival in the Floral Field Islands.

Geologists have not been able to pinpoint precisely where the stones may have originally come from. They do not seem to have the same geological makeup as the mountains to the east. There are theories that they could be remnants of the Old World, or the fossilized bones of some archaic stalkwalker ancestor.


The Floral Field Island is known for its flowers, as one would expect. Every kind of flower known to kebanzu kind grows on this island, whether it's in the wild or in one of the countless greenhouses. Flowers are their primary export, with one of the largest markets being Skystone Postal, in exchange for the many unique and vibrant Veppie varieties that thrive in the Skystone region.

Another major export is flower based spices, especially saffron, which is highly prized by the merchants of Golden Harbor.


The Annual Stalkwalker Festival draws in kebanzu from all across Terramesia. Local stalkwalkers will gather at a unique geological feature in the middle of the Floral Field Islands. Visitors flock from all over to watch the gathered stalkwalkers bloom. No one is sure why they gather there, but druids, botanists, and biologists congregate each year in an attempt to study the phenomenon. 

Each town on the island hosts their own unique events associated with the festival: Port Dahlia has the largest, most trafficked fair in the region, while Lillium boasts raucous parties that can last in excess of a week or more.


The Floral Field Island is known for its moderate temperatures with an annual high of  41°T and an annual low of 11°T.

The region experiences moderate rainfall.

Popular transportation methods include:
  • Hors Drawn Carriages
  • Greater Axolith Drawn Boats

Typical Job Categories include:

  • Pastoral
    • Botanist
    • Druid
  • Creative
    • Artisan
    • Barista
  • Public Service
    • Apothecary
    • Healer

The Hubs

Northern Floral Field


31-image.pngThe most populous of the three hubs on the Floral Field Island, the Northern Floral Field hub is awash with activity. Travelers from all over come to enjoy the beauty of the flower fields. Port Dahlia—a first stop for many on their trek across the fields—is renowned for its hospitality.

Location: A large portion of the northern most section of the island.

Local Landmark: Port Dahlia, the largest town in the Floral Field Islands is the beating heart of the Northern Floral Field hub. Weary travelers can find anything they need in town, from a warm bed, a nice meal, to a cure for what ails them. There is so much to do and see in the port, that some chose to spend their whole trip enjoying the sights and sounds. Many take advantage of the thriving markets to stock up before setting out into the fields.

Lodging: Port Dahlia features many different lodgings for rent, from hotels to B&Bs. Tourism is a vital part of the economy, and so there's no lack of options.

Cuisine: Given flowers are the island's specialty, it should come as no surprise that the locals love using them in their dishes, especially their desserts.

Specialty: Rosewater and saffron sorbet with candied rose petals.

A motherly kebanzu, Rose cares deeply for all the kebs of her hub and the flowers too! A botanist by trade and a thoroughly experienced healer, she always has something to help everyone with what ails them.

What does your hub value?

Family. It’s the bonds we share with one another, whether we’re related by blood or not. We’ve all watched one another grow and change, and its drawn us all together, to become even closer as a community.

What is your favorite thing about the hub?

How much everyone else seems to like it! The citizens of my hub are truly incredible people, always willing to lend a hand or go out of their way to make someone else’s day just a little brighter. Then there’s the visitors! We draw in travelers from all over, and that means I get to meet kebs from all walks of life. Hearing their stories and sharing our bounty with them is truly a blessing.



32-image.pngThe second largest of the Floral Field Island, the Souther Floral Field hub makes up for what it lacks in size with excitement. Lead by the passionate party-planning Poppy, who has never met a party she couldn’t plan. The town of Lillium is the center of the hub and is decorated to match the rolling hills of bright warm colored flowers.

Location: The hub makes up the majority of the southwestern portion of the island. 

Local Landmark: Lillium the main town located in the Southern Floral Fields hub, it is smaller than Port Dahlia, but is the frequent site of many events. There is always some kind of festival or party happening, for virtually any reason. These events range in scope from small and intimate to large hub-wide celebrations.

Lodging: The most popular lodging spot is the Blossom Hotel, located in Lillium. This vibrant flower themed hotel is favored among visitors who come to enjoy the Annual Stalkwalker Festival.

Cuisine: They use many of the flowers they grow in their foods. In this case, they feature squash blossoms and arugula.

Specialty: Fried squash blossoms paired with arugula salads.

Something of a mischievous keb, Poppy is known for her constant energy. Even when she's standing still, her mind is a hive of activity.

She is an incredible planner, who organizes all the major events of the Floral Field islands.

What does your hub value?

Excitement! When you're surrounded by a vibrant palette of flowers it's hard to just sit still and take life for granted—especially when there's parties to have and festivals to throw!

What is your favorite thing about the hub?

My most favorite thing about my hub is the invigorating atmosphere! When you've got so many beautiful, bright flowers all around you everyday, it’s hard to sit still—and really, who would want to? There’s always fun to be had, or an event to be planned!



33-image.pngThe smallest of the Floral Field Island hubs, the Eastern Floral Field hub is a sanctuary for those who wish to take a break from the hustle and bustle of the North and South. Here the flowers grow in a cooler hue: purples, blues, and greens—which creates a sleepier atmosphere. It also features the highest elevation, with mountains and cliffs that overlook the ocean.

For a time, it was known as the Western Floral Island Hub due to a navigational error, on the part of the kebs who originally settled in the region.

Location: The easternmost portion of the Floral Field Island.

Local Landmark: Hyacinth is the main town in the Eastern Floral Field hub, it is a close-knit community and considered to widely be a sleepy, slow-paced town. It is a popular destination for druids who seek to learn under Lupin’s guidance.

Lodging: There are a few sleepy B&Bs available. This community is far quieter and relies less on visitors to sustain their hub. It serves as a wonderful place to rest and relax compared to the other two hubs on the island.

Cuisine: As with the other floral field hubs, they enjoy dishes with floral ingredients. They have an abundance of saffron and lavender infused foods.

Specialty: Creamy saffron stew.

A soft-spoken, kind keb, Lupin is not to be confused for a leader with no spine. He's never afraid to speak his mind and make the tough decisions required of a leader.

A druid of considerable magic, it's no wonder he's served his hub for decades.

What does your hub value?

Living in harmony with the island. We cultivate a tranquil atmosphere to bond with the island, and allow ourselves to become one with it, rather than shaping it to our will.

What is your favorite thing about the hub?

The peaceful atmosphere we've cultivated. While partying can be fun, it's important to remember to take time and listen to your body, to the land, and contemplate your place in the world.

FTO Raffle!

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by sunnydito

FTO Raffle!

Hey everyone! We've set up a raffle for first time owners!


1. Must be a FTO!! You can tell if you're a FTO by whether or not you see this button on the top right corner of your user profile.

2. These designs are non-transferrable! You cannot trade, sell, or give them away. The only way to release ownership of them is to donate them back to the group to be raffled off again at a later date!

3. The raffle will be open for entries until Saturday June 10th at 11:59pm, and will be rolled on Sunday June 11th.

4. You can only win one design!

5. These designs follow all other group and species rules!


How to enter:

Visit the temporary Raffle Shop and pick up a FTO Raffle Ticket for each design you'd like to enter for.

Once you've gotten your item(s), head to your inventory and click on the item. Select the item, and use the "Open Box" action as shown below. Once you've clicked "Open", it will automatically enter you for the design the ticket is for. Repeat for each ticket.

If you followed the instructions above you will be entered for each ticket you've opened. You can find the raffle page to check your entries here.

Designs up for Raffle:

795 redone by Anntejinia


838 redone by DoctorTive


864 redone by Azure


907 redone by faios


938 redone by LordStarryFace


940 redone by Lunaslimbo


1105 redone by Tigenki


1508 redone by Tigenki


1566 redone by mothman (dev)


1611 redone by Azure


1682 redone by mothman (dev)


1683 redone by sunnydito


1693 redone by faios


3718 redone by sunnydito

Summer Event 2023

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by Herboreal

The Kebanzu 2023 Summer Event is now live!!


The Summer Event is here a little earlier than usual ☀️ As the Summer Event often coincides with Art Fight, we've moved it this year to hopefully give players a little more breathing room!

On the back of the recent poll results, regular Summer Prompts will remain staggered! Thank you everyone who gave feedback 💛 The first two Summer Prompts - Summer Job and Tidepools - are now open for entries 🎉 two more prompts will unlock on June the 10th and a further two on the 20th!

Unlockable Storybook Prompts also return; the theme is Pirates versus Merkebs 🏴‍☠️ ⚔️ 🧜‍♀️ which side will you choose? 👀 each prompt has an exclusive badge reward + randomised loot table traits!

☀️ Check out the first 2 prompts + starting storybook prompt here! ☀️


Two new traits have been added to the Enchanted Sand Dollar Exchange!

🌿 Leaf Wings 🍃 | ⏳ Sandy Step 🏝️

☀️ Check out the new traits and the Enchanted Sand Dollar shop here! ☀️

Dates and Deadlines:

☀️ The Summer Event begins: June 1st Pacific Time
☀️ The Summer Event ends: June 30th at midnight Pacific Time


Hub Location Artwork!

Additionally all of the kebanzu hubs now have completed location art 🎉 if you're looking for any beachy inspiration for the Summer event, look no further than Sapphire Point, Gemstone Cove and Banded Beaches to name a few! Location markers can now be added to your prompt submissions; this will display your prompt in the hub's own Associated Gallery (example here) ✨

☀️ Explore all of Terramessia and the new art here! ☀️

Happy Spring!

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by EterniiTea

Happy Spring everyone!! 💐🌷🌼

This will be the second event where we trial staggered prompts - there's 6 prompts in total, released evenly in twos throughout the event 👀 we're still open to feedback on how this system is received if you have any notes to share on how staggered prompts affects your ARPG play! ✨

We also welcome the return of Storybook Prompts after such a successful Winter Event 🎉 There are 3 Storybook prompts in total and they unlock as you play and come with exclusive rewards!

✨ Check out the first 2 prompts + starting storybook prompt here! ✨

Here's a link to the event!


Six new traits have been added to the Enchanted Rose Exchange!

Iconic Lightning

Cost: 2 Enchanted Candy Canes

Paper Flowers

Cost: 2 Enchanted Roses

Spring Flowers

Cost: 3 Enchanted Roses

Galaxy Wings

Cost: 4 Enchanted Roses

Trailing Chickens

Cost: 3 Enchanted Roses

Trailing Gifts

Cost: 3 Enchanted Roses


✨ Check out the new traits and the Enchanted Roses shop here! ✨


Unfortunately, Mounty McMountface isn't the most agile in battle so Valkyrie would instead like to reveal to you her equally stone-faced (🥁) mount, Valhalla!! Thank you Vinea for the fantastic name suggestion: Valhalla was the most popular pick in the staff poll 🎉 ⚔️ you will receive a DM ASAP where you can choose your pet or mount reward token!

✨ You can read more about Valkyrie and Valhalla here! ✨


Valkyrie, the stoic and valorous herald of Lightsong, has once again opened springtime festivities!
She will be handing out Enchanted Roses for Spring Event prompt entries!! Enchanted Roses can be exchanged for special traits!


How to Read the Award Breakdown:
  1. Find your medium! Ditigal art, traditional art, or writing. Make sure you're using the correct chart.
  2. How many kebs have you drawn? Per prompt the minimum is one (1) keb belonging to yourself (or the community keb Nat, if you do not own a keb) and the maximum is five kebs plus the spring mascot Valkyrie for a total of five (5) kebs. If five kebs are drawn and Valkyrie is not included, you will only be awarded for five kebs.
  3. Use the left column and find where your prompt best fits. All event prompts must  include shading to be awarded.
  4. The Point Awarding Guide to the right hand side is in case of varied entries. For example, you submit a prompt with two fullbody kebs, three halfbody kebs, all colored with shading + background. Start at 12 points for 2 fullbody kebs, colored with shading + background, then you add 2 additional points per halfbody keb to the total (3x2 = 6), for 18 points (12 + 6 = 18).
Digital Art 1 Keb 2 Kebs 3 Kebs 4 Kebs   5 Kebs
Colored, Shaded, Half-Body 6 8 10 12   14
Colored, Shaded, Half-Body, Background 8 10 12 14   16
Colored, Shaded, Full-Body 7 10 13 16   19
Colored, Shaded, Full-Body, Background 9 12 15 18   21


Traditional Art 1 Keb 2 Kebs 3 Kebs 4 Kebs   5 Kebs
Shaded Half-Body 4 6 8 10   12
Shaded Half-Body, Colored 5 7 9 11   13
Shaded Half-Body, Background 6 8 10 12   14
Shaded Half-Body, Colored, Background 7 9 11 13   15
Shaded Full-Body 6 8 11 14   17
Shaded Full-Body, Colored 7 10 13 16   19
Shaded Full-Body, Background 6 10 14 18   22
Shaded Full-Body, Colored, Background 8 12 16 20   24


Written 1 Keb 2 Kebs 3 Kebs 4 Kebs   5 Kebs
(Min) 500 Words
6 7 8 9   10
750 Words
8 9 10 11   12
1000 Words
10 11 12 13   14
1250 Words (1500 Maximum)
12 13 14 15   16

Festival of Love Scavenger Hunt 2023

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by Frosted-Gears

Festival of Love Scavenger Hunt

As the festival of love spreads across Terramessia, some kebs exchange letters and cards to show their affections!

Juniper has decided to send a letter to all her friends, but tends to get a little distracted when dropping them off. Visit the Scavenger Hunt page for more information on helping her find the missing letters!

February 2023 Monthly Prompt

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by Frosted-Gears

★ Love in Terramessia ★

The festival of love has come to the various hubs across Terramesia! Whether celebrating platonic, familial, or romantic love, Kebanzu gather for fun seasonal festivals filled with hearts and sweets of all kinds. How do your kebs enjoy the festivities?